English translation unavailable for Arctic.

Polar Plunge - Arctic

The Polar Plunge is scheduled once during each voyage. Throughout the journey, the Expedition Leader and Captain constantly monitor conditions in order to choose the optimal time and location. The Polar Plunge sometimes takes place onshore or, in many cases, from the gangway or Zodiac. All participants wear a tethered harness and plunge into the polar waters from the side of Zodiac or safety of the gangplank cheered on, of course, by fellow passengers and Expedition Team.

Flightseeing aboard 50 Years of Victory - Arctic

Imagine soaring over the polar regions from the comfort of a helicopter and enjoying the most astounding aerial views imaginable of the frozen Arctic Ocean, of snow-capped ice ridges, massive crevices, and of melt pools ranging from cerulean to deep, spectacular turquoise.

Flightseeing on polar vessels like 50 Years of Victory provides guests with an entirely different perspective of the polar regions. Helicopters take passengers to places Zodiacs and ships can’t reach.

Zodiac Cruising - Arctic

Zodiacs are used for transferring you ashore, transporting your luggage when necessary and for taking you ocean-level cruising among icebergs, whales and seabirds. During the expedition, you will visit remote and isolated sites that are accessible only by Zodiac.

High Arctic Odyssey: Remote Russian Archipelagos

On this stirring voyage along Russia’s ice-draped coastlines, we invite you to become one of the first passengers to visit this little-known region and encounter sights rarely seen by even the most intrepid adventurers. From the breathtaking glaciers of Novaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land to the stark, secluded islands of the icy Kara Sea, the remarkable features of this isolated wilderness will leave you awed and inspired.

Jewels of the Russian Arctic: Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya

From the ancient mountains of Novaya Zemlya to the wildlife sanctuary of Franz Josef Land, these secluded lands offer an exhilarating mix of unique sights and adventures. Marvel at ice-capped peaks soaring majestically out of the Arctic sea. Watch in hushed wonder at the unforgettable sight of a polar bear roaming its natural environment. Immerse yourself in a corner of our planet few humans ever to, with the operator that knows polar adventure better than anyone.