English translation unavailable for Arctic.

Arctic Express Canada: The Heart of the Northwest Passage

The quest for trade routes to the Far East inspired much of the age of exploration of North America, with the promise of the Northwest Passage its elusive jewel. On Arctic Express Canada, discover the great sea route at the top of the world—that obsessed explorers for centuries—on our game-changing new expedition ship Ultramarine, which allows you a journey no traditional vessel could offer: immersing yourself in the full Arctic experience while getting back home a week and a half later.

Greenland Camp Experience - Arctic

Join local hosts at one of the most exclusive camps in Greenland. Our local guides will lead you on an immersive experience through the wonders of their homeland. Spend ample time, in intimate groups, walking through the beautiful landscapes and remote fjords, roam the tundra with a local chef who will show you local ingredients and then prepare an incredible meal. Overnight at the camp and, if conditions are right, experience the magnificent colours of the polar twilight which will bring the beautiful mountainous surroundings into full effect.

Accommodation at the camp is in shared two-person tents. Groups traveling together in pairs will share a tent, and individual travelers will be assigned to a tent with another guest of the same gender.

Canada’s Remote Arctic: Northwest Passage to Ellesmere and Axel Heiberg Islands

Here, at the top of the world, nature has created unique wonders in astonishing variety. Our game-changing new expedition vessel Ultramarine, equipped with two twin-engine helicopters and 20 quick-launching Zodiacs, enables you to explore this breathtaking environment from brand new perspectives. You’ll experience the same sense of wonder felt by early explorers as they navigated the region’s formidable bays, inlets and channels.